We use simplifications, categorizations and stereotypes to process the countless, complex pieces of information that constantly stream at us. These help us to organize the world and are very efficient. However, this process can also give rise to cognitive distortions, so-called unconscious biases, which influence our actions and decisions unconsciously. Unconscious thought patterns and attributions can lead us, for example, to overestimate or underestimate the skills of others, unconsciously favouring certain people and disadvantaging others. In this interactive training participants will learn more about how unconscious biases arise and how they work, and will get to know examples and initial approaches of what they can do to counteract them in order to deal with different people in an appreciative and constructive way in their day-to-day work.
- Development and impact of unconscious biases
- Raising awareness of unconscious attribution and discrimination processes
- Strategies for action: What can I do about unconscious biases?
Language: English
Target group: All interested employees
Format: Online via Zoom
Zielgruppe der Trainings
Die Trainings sind Angebote im Rahmen des Projektes FEMtential und stehen grundsätzlich allen interessierten Beschäftigten aus den Projektunternehmen offen. Die Trainings finden überbetrieblich statt. Das bedeutet, dass Personen aus unterschiedlichen Unternehmen und Positionen daran teilnehmen können. Einige Angebote richten sich speziell an weibliche Beschäftigte (bzw. FLINTA*: Frauen, Lesben, inter*, nichtbinäre, trans* und agender Personen). Dies ist dann in der jeweiligen Trainingsbeschreibung erwähnt.